October 2015 Goals
September was one of those months that was challenging in a good way. I'm not saying I enjoyed every challenge or would even want to relive them, but the "good" in it is that here I sit in the beginning of October, having experienced the marathon that was September, and I'm ok. In fact, I'm better.
I'm better because of the support I had around me: a God who constantly sustains me, a husband who unconditionally loves me, and friends who accept me as I am. September wasn't exceptionally challenging, just challenging in the way life can often be. Some months we feel stronger than others, and in those weaker moments, we need the boost from people who love us to pull us through.
September fun: The Influence Conference with Rachel!
And you know what I'm learning? Those people aren't easy to come by. Sure, it's fairly easy to have a handful of acquaintances and friends, and that type of community is valuable and important, but the relationships that will hold you up when you're feeling weak—those you have to work for. They take time, energy and vulnerability. By this I simply mean that if you want to be loved well, you not only have to learn to love others well, but you have to open your heart up to be loved.
All these things I'm still learning and pondering and practicing in my own life. I wonder how many of us sit around looking at other people's lives thinking our own lives would be better "if I only had a friend like that." If you feel like genuine friendships don't come as easily to you as they do to other people, you can rest assured that the most fruitful relationships just don't come easily. Period. But, they do come. They come to those who pursue them, cherish their value, and give their heart to friendships and love, even when the return is not guaranteed.
In this season of growing in friendship, I've been encouraged, enlightened and challenged by some incredible women and I'll share their work with you in just a moment. Before I do, I want to encourage all of us that we are capable of true friendship, and if we will risk our security and pride in order to receive it, it will make our lives richer than we could ever imagine.
Check these out for more thoughts on the topics of friendship and vulnerability:
-"Nobody's Cuter Than You" by Melanie Shankle (thank to my friend Michelle for giving me this book!)
-Vulnerability and Shame Ted Talks by Brene Brown
And now, for goals!
September Goals progress
- Write and send 30th birthday thank you notes (I got most of them done, but still have a few left to go!)
Love Woody well by keeping our marriage as a top prioritywe started attending a marriage small group, and it has been great so far!Continue home renovation with focus and plan to finish wellComplete product development and printing for The Orchard Pop Up ShopAttend The Influence Conference- Launch 2016 Birthday Card giveaway
Purchase 2016 Simplified Planner- NYC planning night
- Continue tidying with Woody The weekend we planned to do a bulk of tidying, Woody ended up in the emergency room with pneumonia. He is better now so we've got to get back on tidying track!
Goals blog postBudget party with Woody
October Goals
The numbers beside each monthly goal represent the corresponding yearly goal
Love Woody well and prioritize our marriage (3)
Practice positivity and a good attitude at work (34)
Complete home renovation (2)
Pack and close the chapter of living at the loft (46)
Move into our new house!!! (2)
Celebrate Mary and Kurt's wedding (33)
Share birthday party story and photos on the blog (5, 33)
Photograph new product with Rachel (5, 7)
NYC Planning (9)
Standing monthly goals
Goals blog post
Budget party with Woody
What does October hold for you?