September 2015 Goals
August was a truly special month—I'd say it's one I'll always remember. We bought a house and I turned 30! All 31 days were full of activity, but they were also full of reflecting and savoring the sweet gifts of those days.
All these wonderful people helped make my 30th birthday so special. Meaningful relationships don't just happen —you have to value and cultivate them. I want to do even more of this in my thirties!
Photo by Mary Margaret Smith Photography
I actually found myself a bit surprised (and so grateful) when I realized I accomplished ALL my goals for August! Now, don't be fooled, this is not because I have wonder-woman-like goal-accomplishing skills, rather I believe it is a testament to the hard work I've been doing to simplify my goals for the past several months. After feeling a little overwhelmed with all the expectations I was putting on myself each month, back in April, I started taking a simpler approach to my monthly goals. It's taken some effort and practice, but I'm starting to get in a good swing!
Y'all, I'm 30!!!
Photo by Mary Margaret Smith Photography
The thing is, I'm realizing more and more that goals in and of themselves are not the end game (although, for a lover of list-checking like me, it can feel this way sometimes). Rather, it is the big, important purpose each of us are put on this earth to fulfill that matters. Digging down deep to understand your own heart, where you've been and where you're going is key to setting focused, intentional goals that lead you to living a life that matters and makes a difference.
If you're new to goal setting, don't be intimidated. Start by looking back at where you've been, looking present at where you are, and then looking forward to where you want to go. Once you do this, you will slowly but surely be able to set meaningful goals that aren't just about checking things off a list, but instead are small steps in the journey to living your purpose fully and joyfully.
Happy little homeowners.
You may wonder if a life of purpose and joy is on reserve for only certain people, but I assure you it's not. It's for everyone—you included. It's not about being perfect, it's about making progress for a purpose. If you would like something to give you a jump start to living with purpose, I have just the thing! Lara Casey's PowerSheets have truly changed my life as they have taught me to set goals and make what matters happen! If you want to jump head first into goal setting, order PowerSheets today! Seriously, stop reading this and go order them! (They are even having a perfectly imperfect sale right now!)
August Goals Progress
Celebrate my 30th birthday in a meaningful wayClose on our home! Hooray!!!Develop new products for September Pop-up ShopComplete groom card for custom orderCelebrate Dad's birthdayFocus on home renovation projects with intention and heartContinue tidying process with WoodySpeak on goal setting at The Orchard
Standing monthly goals
Goals blog postBudget party with Woody
September Goals
The numbers beside each monthly goal represent the corresponding yearly goal
Write and send 30th birthday thank you notes (33)
Love Woody well by keeping our marriage as a top priority (3)
Continue home renovation with focus and plan to finish well (2)
Complete product development and printing for The Orchard Pop Up Shop (5, 7, 10)
Attend The Influence Conference (!!!) (18)
Launch 2016 Birthday Card giveaway (6, 38)
Purchase 2016 Simplified Planner (I'm still trying to decide between daily and weekly edition —any recommendations?!) (37)
NYC planning night (9)
Continue tidying with Woody (46)
Standing monthly goals
Goals blog post
Budget party with Woody
What hopes and plans do you have for September? I'd love to hear what you're up to!